Grafik Eye 3000 Wiring Diagram
on Same Link. APPLICATION NOTE W 9/ Overview.
Overview. In some installations it may be more efficient to have.
GRAFIK Eye Series Control Unit Low-voltage type Class 2 (PELV) wiring connects . Pull power wiring from distribution panel and to light fixtures. Lutron and GRAFIK Eye are registered trademarks.
The NGRX-PB increases the GRX Main Control single zone load Figure 1. Wiring Diagram.
Improper wiring can result in personal injury or damage to GRAFIK Eye lighting Earth/Ground terminal connection must be made as shown in wiring diagrams. GXI Installer’s Guide.
IMPORTANT! GRAFIK Integrale lighting controls must be installed by a qualified Improper wiring can result in personal injury or damage to GRAFIK Integrale lighting controls or other .
See diagram to the right for.ImPRoPeR wIRIng oR InSTALLATIon. ThIS wARRAnTy doeS noT CoveR InCIdenTAL, oR SPeCIAL dAmAgeS. The PuRChASeR ASSumeS And wILL hoLd hARmLeSS LuTRon In ReSPeCT oF ALL SuCh LoSS.
LuTRon’S LIAbILITy on Any CLAIm FoR dAmAgeS ARISIng ouT oF oR In ConneCTIon wITh The mAnuFACTuRe, SALe, InSTALLATIon, deLIveRy, oR uSe oF The unIT. I GRAFIK Eye ® QS Installation and Operation Guide 6 Wiring the GRAFIK Eye ® QS: Line Voltage Wiring Details (continued) Step 4: Connect line voltage and loads to control unit.
• Strip 5/16 inch (8 mm) of insulation off the line voltage/mains cables in the wallbox.
• Connect the line voltage/mains, ground, and load wires to the appropriate. from the power wiring.
Enter the Class 2 / PELV wires through the knockout adjacent to the —10 V0 – terminal blocks. The barrier ensures separation and is flexible to allow access to the terminals.
The barrier must be in place when installation is complete. Wiring Diagram A: HomeWorks ® Wallbox Power Module / GRAFIK Eye ® Control Unit.
GRAFIK Eye provides an energy saving solution for both new construction and renovation projects. By controlling the light in multiple settings with numerous preset scenes, GRAFIK Eye can create dramatic environments while drastically reducing energy expenses.
Lutron Grafik Eye System Overview The diagram on the right provides an overview of the components that constitute the GRAFIK Eye system, as well as compatible Lutron products. Please click on the diagram to find a complete list of components with more details.Graffix Eye Wiring Diagram – Wiring DiagramsLutron GRAFIK Eye System Overview